This guide applies to clients of Elbaite Pty Ltd (ABN 88 623 185 875).
Whilst Elbaite aims to ensure that the level of service provided meets customers’ expectations, we are aware that sometimes problems may still occur.
Even though we at Elbaite strive to provide the highest level of accurate service and aim to have happy customers that enjoy using our platform we know that Elbaite has effective disputes/incidents/complaints handling processes in place to manage privacy risks and issues. The complaints handling procedures are set out below. If you have a complaint or issue concerning our services, we have established this Complaints Process summary to help you.
If you have a complaint or dispute concerning our services, please contact our compliance representative in the first instance who will provide you with the service. You can contact a representative by email:
Department Name: Compliance
Email: Contact Us
Please provide your full name, current address and your customer reference number with the details of your complaint and any supporting documentation.
All complaints will be handled in a courteous and confidential manner and will be properly considered.
Our compliance officer who you first contacted will attempt to resolve your dispute directly with you within 48 hours of receipt. If it is readily apparent that any such attempt would not succeed, the matter will be referred to the Director - Operations without further delay and you will receive an acknowledgment of the dispute within two business days from the initial receipt of the dispute.
Every attempt will be made to deal with and resolve your complaint within 14 days and if the investigation is not completed within that time, we will write to you with an explanation and expected timeframe for resolution. If you have not received any response from us within a 14-day period, or if you are dissatisfied with our decision or the way we handled your complaint, you can refer your complaint to the Director - Operations.
Please Note: in some circumstances, it may not be possible to completely resolve your complaint within a 14-day period.
If your complaint is privacy-related and you are not satisfied with the result of your complaint to us, in accordance with our Privacy Policy, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) by:
Phone: 1300 363 992 (Cost of a local call)
Mail: Director of Complaints Office of the Australian Information Commissioner GPO Box 5288 Sydney NSW 2001